Friday 31 July 2009

Summer camp & going to school

Mum and dad are back now and oh boy I had great time while they were catching crayfish(really!) and seeing mums family in Finland.

Mary& John(Harvey's mum&dad) and her family looked after me so well that I wasn't home sick once! You can read all my adventures and misadventures on Harvey's blog( I loved all my new friends I made at Harvey's home and me and Harvey had brilliant time. We went on walkies (we were really good together)and played hours everyday. I settled in no time and was made feel so safe that you could say I was at the summer camp! Thank you Harvey and the family for being so nice to me

After the holidays I was told I would start school.
I thought I would be a tad young to go to school,but luckily all the other classmates are similar age to mine and guess what- my dream has come true- Handsome H is in a same class with me!
The classes are held near my home and the club is called "tailwaggers"- suits me, (tailwagging all the time...!)
We met all in a classroom and the trainer Angela told about the things we'll be doing in the next 6 weeks, it sounds very ecxiting and I like everyone a lot.
Hardest part was to sit still next to Harvey as I wanted to play with him,but we both did well.

Other classmates are Ruby the chihuahua and Jack Russel cross and Rocky the bichon frise.

We all got along well and had a little play afterwards. Cant wait to learn more next week, watch this space, Ill be as good as Cesar Milan's "Daddy"!

Above you find photos of me and my new pals. The pictures all look very fawn with me and H taking over the show...!! Ill see him again on Sunday so that has pretty much made my week mint!!!
P.s It is raining like mad, mum wanted to put a picture of me wrapped in a towel like a sheikh!


  1. Wow,Tinky! You look so pretty in your towel!
    We all miss you loads,especially Harvey, but he was so-oo happy to see you at Tailwaggers on Friday!
    Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow xxx Harvey and family

  2. I Handsome,
    Sorry I haven't replied earlier, only saw your comment now. Thanks for the compliment!
    I hope you are having wonderful time in Cotswolds. When I went to Tailwaggers yesterday and couldn't find your handsome face- I was most disappointed. Cant wait for you to come back.
    Licks and "woh woh"s
    Your best friend,
