Monday 15 June 2009

Little tinky moves to Leeds


May I introduce myself. My name is Tinky, but I'm also called Tasmiina,Tinkywinky, Little Lazybone and Jellona(means lion in Finnish) I am Fauve de Bretagne (don't worry, I can't pronounce it either!) part of the hound family. This means I can smell things miles away.
I have been told I have many sides. I am docile and relaxed in the morning,but come night I am like lightning. Well it makes life lot more interesting I say.

I was born on the 9th of April in Knottingley. I had a really happy puppy hood with 5 other litter mates and my mum Misty and dad Moss. I loved those early days and especially playing with Mason who is 6 month's old and lot bigger than me. Playing with him made me feel like grown up and I learned that love comes in all sizes.

When I was told I was moving to Leeds I was sad to go. Luckily Karen,my other mum had taken care of things such as vaccination and micro chipping. I was told my new mum and dad were Maria and Liam. I recognised them as they came to see me when I was only 6 weeks old.
They seemed a bit nervous when we set off,but they kept saying "orrr" and "ahh" so I guessed meant they liked me.
I could not believe when I was told I had to travel home in a big white transit van! It was really noisy and clumsy. Things little puppies must do...! The journey wasn't luckily too long and I was excited to see my new home.
Karen had given some teddies for my new home and that made the move lot easier. First night I cuddled with my teddy as I missed Karen,her mum and Mason so much ,but since then I have come a long way. I don't cry during the night and I am so curious about the life outside. Mum keeps saying I look like a little lion,but I wonder if she has seen may lions as she is from Finland. She probably means an ice bear??
I had some great news yesterday. I have a half brother in Leeds and only 10 minutes from home! He is called Harvey and we have a same Dad! I couldn't believe the news.
This means I will have another Fauve to play with and maybe he will come to puppy classes with me!!
Unbelievable! I cant wait to meet him. My mum went to see him today and said he looks so much like me.I cant wait to see him! Mum says were are going to be the cutest couple in Leeds.

Today is the day 5 in my new home so I'm sure there are many adventures to come.
My mums keeps stalking me with a camera so you will find new pictures of me here.

Lots of love from,

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